(We would like to start out with that this blog is for information purposes only. I would also like to point out that we are not doctors and that any medical trouble you may have should be discussed with a medical doctor.)
Parts of the plant to use: Sap, needles, and bark. (White pine is considered more potent)
General idea how to prepare Pine:
* Healing Tea – steep two teaspoons of needles in a cup of water for twenty minutes. (The needles are most potent when collected in spring. They are high in vitamin C.)
Healing Energies:
1. Internal:
* Tea can be used to help with coughs, colds or other upper respiratory infections. (The tea can also be inhaled as a steam)
* Pine resin was chewed like a gum by Native Americans for sore throat relief.
2. External:
* Crushing the needles or the bark to make a paste/poultice that can be applied to the head to help with headaches. You can apply it to the skin to help with mild burns and small wounds.
* Pine tea can be added to a bath for skin ailments. (WARNING - Any tea added to your bath could possibly stain you tub and your skin.)
* Pine resin can be made into a salve for sore muscles/joints.
* Pine needles can also be put into a pan and covered with olive oil. Then you can simmer then on low for twenty minutes to make massage oil for aches and pains.
Magical Energies:
* Health, fertility, good luck, friendship, loyalty, endurance, longevity, purification, and peace
* Burning pine needles sends malevolent spells back to sender.