Aspects – Teaching, intelligence, loyalty, social interaction, and spirit guardian
About Wolves - Wolves are very social animals and everyone in the pack has a place. There are rarely fights within the pack as most disagreements are settled with non-verbal communication such as look, growls, and postures. They have great respect for family and children. Wolves even have babysitters in the pack.
When wolves hunt they will travel great distances and usually go after the injured, sick, and old prey to thin out the herd of the weaker animals. They have even been known to work ravens/crows to scout out trouble. Wolves have excellent sense of smell and hearing, often associated with spiritual idealism and listing to the inner voice respectively.
Wolf Totem:
1. Those with a wolf totem tend to use hand gestures, postures, and nonverbal communications.
2. They have strong family bonds, not necessarily blood relations.
3. They avoid confrontation when they are able but will fight when needed.
4. They listen to their inner voices to guide them with life changes.
5. They rarely waste what has been given to them and they use self-discipline to govern their actions.
6. They have defined ritual for daily life.
7. Know who you are and what you have to give or teach the community.
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