As we travel our path in this time, we sometimes get wrapped up in money issues. We think we need to buy an athame, wand, chalice, and crystal for our altars, or that we need to buy candles in the "right " colors or that the fancier the altar, the more devoted we are to our path. None of this is true. We do not need to have an athame, wand or chalice to practice our craft. These are tools to help the practitioner to focus the energy of the quarter. You can use your hand, visualize the color of energy, or the elemental of the quarter. If having the focal item is needed or if you want something for your altar, you do not need to spend much money on these items. Instead of an athame, use a feather, instead of an expensive wand, find a small branch that comes to a point, instead of a grand chalice, use a small bowl, or a cup, and instead of buying a crystal, find a stone. Most of these items can be found in nature and make them even more "Pagan" than the ones you buy. Also having found them and chosen them (ask them if they want to be used for the purpose before assuming they will delight in your presence...LOL) they are more likely to resonate with you and your energies. Remember magic is all about intent, put your intent out to the world in a focused manner and let it go... everything else is just the icing on a pretty, great cake.