Spending time in nature is one of the main requirements for learning Fire and Ice Shamanism. You cannot get around the need to spend time quietly in the woods, learning about yourself, working with your Fylgja, and developing a positive relationship with the Land Wights and other nature spirits. When you go into nature and sit quietly and simply listen, many things can be revealed to you. The simple act of silence combined with awareness can provide many lessons when one is in nature.
Be respectful and humble toward nature. You are not there to conquer nature; you are there to let nature help you conquer yourself. When you are ready to leave always remember to thank nature for helping you. Leave a simple offering or just say thank you.
In the silence of nature, the best times are late Fall and Winter, and rigorous training we are able to reach and feel our higher selves through reconnecting with nature.
Remember to always be safe when in the woods:
Go into the woods with someone who is also training in Fire and Ice or with someone who knows the value of silence.
Avoid staying in the woods after dark unless you own the land and are prepared to safely return home.
Look for signs of animals before you ger comfortable in a certain spot.
Some animals are territorial and can be aggressive toward humans.
Learn basic survival skills to avoid getting lost and to protect yourself if you do get lost.
Learn basic first aid to treat any injury you may sustain in the woods till you can get back home. Then see a doctor if necessary.