Charming of the Plow is an agricultural ritual performed in Northern Europe where grains and cakes are offered to the soil. It is held around February 2nd and is equal to Imbolc in other Pagan traditions. You offer grain-based objects (bread, cookies, cakes, etc.) to the soil to encourage new growth and good luck for the new planting season yet to come. You can dig up a small patch of soil and place the offerings in the ground while you think the Gods, Goddesses, and Land Wights individually. Some people will even take a horn full of water and pour it over the soil to symbolize the spring rains.
The Gods and Goddesses we should remember at this time of the year are, Jord (Earth Mother – also Thor’s birth mother), Freyr, Odin, Frigga, and never forget the land Wrights (Spirits of the land).
So don't forget to Charm the Plow or shovel if you live in the suburbs, to honor the Gods, Goddesses, and Land Wights!