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Edibles in your Yard!


Updated: Jan 14, 2023

(You should always seek out, in person training, when learning about edible plants. Nature is very tricky, and a poison plant can look almost like an edible one. Sometimes they are almost impossible to tell apart. The following is a simple reference and not meant to be a defining guide to plants that are edible.)

What is in a name? A weed by any other name is still, edible! The following is a short list of plant that always seems to grow in our yard. We use them on a regular basis for food and healing. The best part is that nature provides them at no monetary cost.

I will list four plants with their picture and simple reference. Please check out Crow Spirits blogs on plants for much more in-depth information.

First up is the beautiful little violet. You can eat the leaves and the flowers of this plant. The leaves and flowers are also useful for helping with sleep, respiratory issues, headaches, and GI problems.

Number two and my favorite is dandelion. You can use the roots, leaves, sap, and the flower. Not only is this plant good to eat but you can use the roots as a coffee substitute when prepared correctly. It has antiseptic properties and is useful for helping to treat wounds. As a tea it is helpful for lung, urinary and GI issues.

Three is what Crow Spirit calls the holy grail of yard plants, plantain. She uses it for everything. The leaves are edible and can also be used to help with everything from swelling to respiratory issues.

Number four is chicory. The shoots can be eaten in a salad and the roots roasted to make a coffee substitute. It can help with GI issues as well.

I hope this peaks everyone’s interests and encourages them to do their own research. Please remember that you should attend at least one class on identifying edible wild plants before you try eating any of them.



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