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German World Tree Outline for 2024 class, Working With Your Inner World Tree.


Nine Realms/Nine Worlds of Yggdrasil and Lewesbaam


Yggdrasil Nine Realms:

Asgard – home of the Aesir

Alfheim – home of the Light Elves

Midgard – Home of us humans

Niflheim – Ice realm

Jotunheim – Home the Jotuns

Muspelheim – Fire realm, home of Surt

Vanaheim – home of the Vanir

Svartalheim – home of the Dark Elves

Hel – Underworld. (Hel means the soil under your feet.)


Lewesbaam (World Tree) Nine Realms:

Aseheim – home of the Ase/Aesir tribe

Waneheim – home of Wane/Vanir tribe

Mannheim – home of humanity

Rieseheem or Yotunheim – realm of the Jotuns

Zwarichheim – home of the Dark Elves/Dwarves

Elweheim – home of the Light Elves

Helheim – realm of the dead

Feierheim – realm of fire

Newwelheim – realm of ice


Nine Regions/Gegende of Cosmology.


Hohegegend – realm of divinity

Himmelgegend – realm of spiritually advanced ancestors, Alfar and Disir

Hatzholz – physical plane or trunk of the tree

Unnergegend – realm of the earth-based spirits and the spirits of evolving ancestors who are waiting to be reborn. Located in the roots of the tree.

Dunkelgegend – realm of destruction and transformation.

Four Directions located at the top of the World Tree:

Naddbledder (Northern Leaves) – Place of Ice

Suddbledder (South Leaves) – Place of Fire

Oschtbledder (Eastern Leaves) – Place of magic

Weschtbledder (Western Leaves) – Place of spiritual journeys.

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