As with other Vanir gods little knowledge about them has made it into the twenty first century. I will give you all as much information as I can find.
Njord is one of the Vanir tribe of deities. He was given as a hostage along with his son, Freyr, and his daughter, Freya to the Aesir. He lives in his home Nóatún. As with the other Vanir, Njord is a fertility god, capable of providing good fortune in the form of safe sea voyages, wealth, and land. He is known as the god of the wind and of the sea, its wealth, and fertility. His aid was invoked in seafaring, wind, fishing, crop fertility, and he was considered the god of prosperity. An Old Norse saying is, “as rich as Njord.”
Njord features most prominently in the story, The Marriage of Njord and Skadi. This is detailed in my blog on the goddesses Skadi.