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Pagan Picnic 2024 Handout


German Folk Magic Healing Charms


Atrophy Healing Spell:


Gain in the limbs,

Gain in the flesh!

Gain in the veins and the blood,

As certain as the moon shines in the sky!


This spell is preferably spoken during a waxing moon.

The moon functions as a visible symbol for the desired increase in strength.


Spells: to help heal burns.


1.      Burns, fall in the earth,

               Fall into the path of the wheels,

               Fall entirely away.

               I take this burn and throw it into the sand.

·         Sweep across the affected area with a cloth and bury it afterwards.


2.      Three women are doing the wash.

              One beats,

             One rinses,

             The third puts out the fire.

·         Water fights fire and takes its power.


Hex Bag

  • A Hex Bag is usually made of natural fibers, cloth, or leather.

  • Contents:

  • Red ribbon – sacred to Thor.

  • White ribbon – draw a Thurisaz on it.

  • White represents the power of the moon, the flow of energy, and illumination.

  • Yellow ribbon – Draw a Gebo rune on it.

  • Yellow represents balance, the first law of the universe.

  • Gebo – health, nature, balance, fertility.

  • Buckeye – protection and good luck.

  • Connection to the Powers.

  • Balanced connection to nature.

  • Iron – protection, helps focus your energy.

  • Copper – psychic enhancement, facilitates communication with higher – dimensional beings.

  • Bridges the gap between spiritual and physical realms.

  • Mugwort –

  • Chamomile – wards off hexes.






Acorn – protection and male fertility.

Allspice – attracts money and good fortune.

Amber – protects from disease and psychic attacks.

Angelica – protection from psychic attacks and ghosts.

Ashes – represent forgiveness, and an end to the past.

Apple seeds are added to a packet spell to attract love or increase psychic abilities.

Balsam Fir – protects against negative energies and for strength.

Barley – attracts love and brings good health.

Bay Laurel - protects against negative energies.

Birch Tree – protection and a safe delivery.

Blue Cohosh – protects against bad luck.

Buckeye – attracts money and brings good luck.

Calendula – dry petals in a packet spell for good luck in all legal matters.

Cedar – protection, healing, and psychic abilities.

Cayenne – protection

Cloves – to protect from and get rid of ghosts.

Comfrey – protection while driving.

Cumin and Curry Powder – drive away ghosts.

Dandelion Root – Increases psychic abilities and helps communicate with the dead.

Garlic – protection and health.

Lemon Balm – used to attract a lover and for business success.

Lemon Verbena – prevents psychic attacks.

Lodestone – attracts wisdom and insight.

Meadowsweet – healing

Mirrors – used to send back negative energy.

Mugwort – protection and clairvoyance

Myrtle – increases communication with the dead.

Peach Pit – added to a packet spell to protect an unborn child.

Plantain – protects against ghosts.

Rose Petals – in a packet spell to attract love.

Thyme – protection

Vinegar – to protect from and banish personal attacks.

Willow – healing, protection, and increase psychic abilities.




How to do an arsgang: (Year Walk)

Once a year you would take a walk, on Samhain.

You take this walk to gain wisdom and magical abilities.

You may also have some contact with spirits and trolls.


  1. To start, you will need to fast on the day you will be starting your walk.


  1. Avoid doing anything that will tip someone off about what you are going to do.


  1. When you are getting ready to leave, do not allow anyone to know what you are about to do. (This is the first dangerous part of this ritual, especially if you are a woman.)


  1. When you set off, you must not have seen any fire before you leave the house

If you have seen any indoor fire on that day you will need to do this.

You will strike a fire steel and flint in front of yourself outside before setting out on your walk.

This will dampen any hindering effect of seeing the other fire.


 5. Don’t talk to anyone or wave at them.


6. If someone greets you, ignore them.


  1. Must not smile no matter how amusing any situation is.


  1. Do not allow yourself to be frightened no matter the situation.


  1. You must be mentally and physically centered and sincerely walking in stillness and silence.


  1. Your purpose is to walk to the cemetery where family/ancestors are buried.


11. Be sure you can find your way there and back in the dark.


12. Smiling or laughing at the events that are seen during the yearly walk is strictly prohibited in spite of the fact that they are often amusing and exciting.

                                                              i.      It is said that whoever violates this taboo, their faces will be forever frozen in the twisted shape as they smile or laugh.


13. When the persons performing these walks have completed this ritual for seven consecutive years and have abided by all of the rules a man will come up riding on the last day of the seventh year and his neck will be on fire and he will have a rune stick in his mouth.

          a. If the person who has completed their walks and is a good person and daring, they will run over and snatch the rune stick from the rider's mouth.


14. If the person or persons complete two more years of this walking ritual, they will have a chance to get a dwarf hat.

         a. This will make a total of nine years of walking.


15. They will be held as a great prophet for they will know how to answer all questions and find out all hidden things and to do all kinds of divination without having to do the yearly walks ever again.


16. Whenever they wish to perform predictions, they need only just put on their hat and take the rune stick in their hand.



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