Lik is the physical body and should be kept healthy and strong. The physical body is how the Elder Kin found Ask and Embla on the beach.
Ond is the spirit or breath.
A person’s Ond is the essence of life. Your breath is your spirit.
1. It is what awakens life in us when we are born.
a. The spark of life.
b. The last thing to leave when we die.
2. IMPORTANT: Ond is the “KEY” to Galdr and Shamanic Singing/Chanting.
a. It is the vibrations you let out that affects your surroundings.
b. You are giving your breath to create life, to make magic!
Hugr (Thought and Odin’s Raven, Hugin) this is your conscious mind and your analytical thinking. Must be strong and focused. You need to be able to send it anywhere you need it to go, and have it return to you with the information you need.
1. It must be free and flow well.
2. If you have a strong Hugr, it was thought that you would be able to affect someone else’s mind.
Minni (Memory and Odin’s Raven, Munin) the ability to travel to the memories of the past.
· This could be another realm; this is why certain types of meditation are important!
1. This was thought to be Mimir’s Well/Flowing Well/Third Well.
2. Memory of your past as well as the memories of your ancestor’s past.
a. This is why we can sometimes just pick up something new on our first try.
· Hugr and Minni must work together in harmony! (Balance)
Fylgja is a Guardian Spirit and known as a follower.
1. They are seen in three separate forms:
a. Animal
b. Female human form, usually an elf, human, or dwarf.
c. Abstract form
2. A person, family, and a tribe have fylgjur and these take the shape of the individual’s personality.
If a person’s fylgja dies, the person will die!!! (Other realm travel.)
If the person dies, the fylgja will move on to the next newborn in the family line.
3. The fylgja can guide you through your dreams.
4. It can help guide you through your life and your death.
*** You, “NEED” a good relationship with your fylgja.
*** You “MUST” work with your fylgja on a regular basis and learn to communicate with it or them.
5. A good practitioner of Germanic magic can send their fylgja/mind forth to influence future events. (This is your mind and fylgja working together.)
a. This is also how one travels in the spiritual world.
Hamr – shape or appearance
1. Hamr is what others sense through their physical senses.
2. It is associated with shape shifting.
a. Magic:
1. Battle magic – Hugr is used to change your Hamr/appearance and form. (Bear or Wolf)
2. A type of journey work.
3. Lucid dreaming.
a. 2 and 3, are done with the physical body staying in one place and the Hamr turns into an animal form and journeys.
5. To move in other realities, you need to change your form to access those different realities.
6. Fear needs to be purged from the mind and body.
7. Fear is the only thing that doesn’t exist that can kill you.
Odr – ecstasy
The power of divine inspiration.
When you free your mind and allow it to open to other possibilities without fear.
Odr/ecstasy is what allows the mind to transcend outside the physical body.
Odrorir is what causes ecstasy.
It is known as the divine mead that causes divine ecstasy.
Odr = the expanded consciousness caused by Odrorir.
* This is what makes it possible to travel between worlds.
Hamingja - “luck was a quality inherent in the man and his lineage, a part of his personality similar to his strength, intelligence, or skill with weapons, at once both the cause and the expression of the success, wealth, and power of a family.”[