Some of Odin’s names: There are over 170 different names for him so I will only offer a few here. The first two are simply different ways of pronouncing his name and the others shine light on the different aspects of his personality as seen from the literary sources. Odin was worshipped over a vast area, and some of his names are different dialects/languages as an example, Odin in Scandanivia and Othinn in Germany. (Most of the names are from the Grimnismal and others are from Baldr’s
Draumar, Vafthrudnismal, Voluspa, Havamal, Havardr Isfirdingr, Gotlanders, and the Lokasenna.)
1. Wotan
2. Wudan
3. Gunnar - warrior
4. Ginnarr - deceiver
5. Fjölsvinnr - much wise
6. Bölverkr - evil doer
7. Harbardr – Grey-Beard
8. Hnikarr - Instigator
9. Alfadir – All-Father
10.Fimbulþyr – Mighty god or mighty poet
11.Fjölnir - concealer
12.Gautr - Gotmanders
13.Vidurr – Possibly translates as killer.
14.Skilfingr – One who lives on a mountain.
15.Jormunr - Mightly One
16.Hangi – Hanging One
17.Hangagud – Hanging god
18.Sigfadir – Father of battles, Father of victory
19.Hertyr – Army god
20.Grimnir – Masked One
21.Blindi – Blind One
22.Tviblindi – Double-Blind
23.Sidskeggr – Long Beard
24.Sidhottr – Long Hat
25.Hjalmberi – Helmet-Bearer
26.Gangradr – One who advises against.
27.Gagnráðr - contrary advisor
28.Gangleri – One tired from walking.
29.Vegtamr – The one used to journey.
30.Geirvaldr - spear master
31.Belsnickel – means Nicholas in pelts, forerunner of Santa Claus (Strictly found in Germany.)
32.Hrafnagud – Raven god.
33.Harfnfreistudr - the raven-tempter
34.Hrafnblots Gothi - the priest of the raven sacrifice
35.Yggr – The terrible
36.Yggiungr – God from the house of Yggr (Odin)
37.Bragi – poet, from the poem Hofudlausn, by Egill Skalagrimsson
38.Valkjosandi – the one who chooses the fallen ones.
39.Vidrir – weather god