The four poems/stories you must read to completely understand Ragnarok will be listed below. Like all skaldic Poems the Voluspa can be read by itself, but to get a complete picture you will need to read more than one poem. The Germanic peoples valued knowledge and wisdom above all. So it only makes sense that they would hind deeper meanings to different poems in other poems. The thing that makes this really interesting is the fact that everything has many different names and meanings. So it is up to the reader to do their own research to find the meaning of each name and what that individual, creature, or object is representing in that poem at that time. (Context is everything!)
I have a list of different words and their meanings in Old Norse listed under the heading, "Northern European Shamanism Made Easier."
1. Hyndluliod - The Goddess Freya gives the solution to Ragnarok.
2. Vafprudnismal - Mentions that Vanaheim will survive Ragnarok.
3. Grimnismal - Discuss the purpose of the Einherjar.
4. Hyndla - Talks about Fenrir's parents.