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The Mead of Poetry


I will breakdown the story of the “Mead of Poetry” and what is going on in it. I will not re-write the story in this blog. If you wish to read it which I highly suggest you can find it in the Havamal stanzas 103 - 111, and in a more complete form in Snorri Sturluson's Skáldskaparmál.

The story starts at the end of the Aesir and Vanir war. To seal the peace treaty, they create a being of wisdom and knowledge named Kvasir. So, after a great war knowledge and wisdom was allowed to roam the world free for all to have.

Then two dwarves named Fjalar (deceiver) and Galar (screamer) kill Kvasir and try to keep the knowledge and wisdom for themselves. Then they go on a killing spree. So knowledge and wisdom is taken from the world by screaming deceit.

The son of one of the people the dwarves kill catches them and forces them to tell him where the mead is hidden. The son’s name is Suttung (heavy with drink). But he also keeps the mead for himself and hides it in a mountain. So once again knowledge and wisdom is hidden away from the world.

Odin sees this and decides to do something about it. He is always looking for more knowledge. He sets out on his mission to find the appropriate sacred space to do his shamanic journey or vision quest.

Things get interesting from here on. Odin uses trickery to get past blockages set up to protect the hiding place of the mead. Odin changes his name to Bolverkr (worker of misfortune, grief worker, or evil doer) and sets out to complete his goal. He does not kill anyone but he allows nine field workers to remove themselves because of their own greed. He then presents himself to their employer Baugi (brother of Suttung) who is the next blockage to his goal. He used deception, patience, and hard work to pass the second blockage.

When Odin’s/Bolverkr work is complete Baugi takes him to Suttung’s Mountain where the mead is hidden. Suttung refuses to share the mead with Odin. Suttung wants to keep all the knowledge and wisdom for himself. Odin reminds Baugi of their agreement and convinces Baugi to help him find a way into the mountain.

(Mountains and burial mounds are both considered sacred space and where powerful journeys are under taken.)

Now Odin begins his shamanic journey/vision quest. Odin over comes the first danger on his journey by shape shifting. He then finds his way into the mountain. Inside the mountain he meets a giantess named Gunnlod and her names means invitation to battle. She is Suttung daughter and the one he put in charge of protecting the mead of poetry. Odin presented himself to Gunnlod and they spent three days together. (In the mythology when a god or hero spends time with/has sex with a giantess, volva/witch, or a Valkyrie they are actually a student and are learning from them.) Almost all gods and heroes require the teachings of some type of female to complete their goals. Once Odin has completed his lessons he is rewarded by Gunnlod with three drinks of the mead. (Women are the ones to serve mead to any male that completes their education, challenges, and initiation.) Odin then drinks all the mead in all three cauldrons. He again shape shifts, this time into an eagle and flies out of the mountain. It is important to remember here that nowhere does it say that Gunnlod felt betrayed. It is only her father using her as an excuse to try and keep the mead of poetry for himself. Odin states that Gunnlod had a heroic heart and that he could not have succeeded without her.

Now back in Asgard Odin serves out the mead to all who prove themselves worthy.



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