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The Nine Sacred Herbs of Braucherei


The Lacnunga describes the nine herbs sacred to the Anglo-Saxons, but what is

not as well known is that the Pennsylvania Deitsch have their own sacred nine, Neine Heiliche


Three come from wood (Dogwood, Elder, Wintergreen). Three come from the fields (Fimffingergraut or Cinquefoil, Catnip, Ground Ivy), and three from the garden (Horehound, Sage, and Thyme). In Urglaawe, these herbs are gathered after Wonnet 15 (May 15).

Those that come from wood can include many parts of the plant.


Dogwood (Deitsch: Hundsholz): Cornus


Elder (Deitsch: Hollerbeer): Sambucus

nigra but also Sambucus canadensis

Wintergreen (Deitsch: Bruschttee),

a.k.a. Teaberry (Buchsbeer) Gaultheria

procumbens but also the distantly related

Chimaphila umbellata (Pipsissewa;

Deitsch: Gehlwassergraut)


Cinquefoil (Deitsch: Fimffingergraut):

The Nine Sacred Herbs of Braucherei and Urglaawe

Potentilla reptans or Potentilla canadensis

Catnip (Deitsch: Katzegraut): Nepeta cataria

Ground Ivy (Deitsch: Grundelreewe):

Glechoma hederacea


Horehound (Deitsch: Edann): Marrubium vulgare; other species

Sage (Deitsch: Groddebalsem; Salwetee): Salvia officinalis and many

other varieties

Thyme (Deitsch: Gwendel): Many varieties, but especially Thymus

pulegioides ("Pennsylvania Dutch Tea"; Deitsch: Deitscher Tee)

The Fimffingergraut is already taking off rapidly in the garden, and the Ground

Ivy and Catnip are beginning to raise their leaves above the ground. Some of

my sage and thyme never went away.

One thing that is interesting to note is that Mugwort (Aldi Fraa; Artemisia

vulgaris and other species) is mentioned in The Lacnunga but is omitted from the Deitsch sacred herbs list... yet in Braucherei and Urglaawe, Mugwort is

probably the most commonly used sacred herb. It has a standing of its

own. Holle is represented in the Nine Sacred Herbs by Elder.



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