Ragnarok from the German perspective is very different than the Icelandic one. It is important to note that Loki does not exist in the German version of heathenry. FYI, there is a trickster god that is locked inside the moon. So, no Loki means no Fenrir and no Midgard Serpent and Odin is not the king of the Aesir, Tyr is, and he also has two hands.
The idea of Ragnarök is tied into the meaning of life as handed down to us. The meaning of life is to increase one’s awareness a little bit every day. So, what does that mean. The Aesir charged both men and women with the duty to increase their awareness to improve themselves mental, physically, and spiritually every day. Again, how does this information equal Ragnarök? I am glad you asked! When the gods created Ask and Embla (a completely different story as well), humans were told to work to evolve to the level the Aesir gods were when they created us. The purpose of this is so that the Aesir can evolve even higher, but they must have someone to take their place, humans, Nature dislikes a vacuum, First Law of the universe is Balance.
Now, Ragnarök from a German perspective looks like this, Ragnarök is what happens when humans allow the Jotuns to control them. By this I mean that people refuse to work hard to improve themselves, so they are not able to help the Aesir gods. Once this reaches a point of no return, the gods are said to turn their backs on humans and give the job of evolving to the dwarves. Then humans are allowed to simply become extinct.