Frigg sits enthroned and facing the spear-wielding goddess Gná, flanked by two goddesses, one of whom (Fulla) carries her eski, a wooden box. Illustrated (1882) by Carl Emil Doepler.
This will be a simple list of the goddess Frigga’s handmaidens.
Fulla – abundance - She takes care of Frigga's casket of jewels and her pairs of shoes. Frigga also confides in Fulla her secrets. Fulla is seen as the keeper of Northern Women’s Mysteries.
Gna – messenger - She runs errands for the goddess Frigga. She travels over sky and sea on a horse called Hoof-flourisher (Hofvarpnir) to deliver messages.
Lofn – permission - she is so kind and good to pray to that she gets leave from All-father or Frigga for people’s union even if they had been forbidden.
Syn – boundaries - the guardian for Frigg's great hall and she denies entry to those who are not supposed to enter. Syn is also a goddess associated with defensive refusal.
Var – oath keeper – she witnesses oaths between men and women. Var will also punish those, who broke their vows.
Snotra – courtesy - associated with wisdom and courtesy.
Gefion – giver – she welcomes all who die unmarried. She is best known for creating the island of Zealand.
Saga – historian – Saga lives in Sokkvabek (Sunken Hall) where she and Odin drink together as they trade stories.
Sjofn – affection – she is very eager to turn people's minds and hearts to love.
Hlin – refuge – Frigga sends Hlin when there is something or someone she wants to protect. She is also the refuge of those who are in danger.
Vor – Seeress - Her name means awareness, the ability to learn and understand. She has the gift of providence, and of preparing well for the future.
Eir – Healer - Eir is the healer of the gods and she lives on Lyfja, the Mountain of Healing.