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“At every doorway, you should peer around. Take a good look inside, for you never truly know, just who is a friend, and who is a foe.”


The first stanza of the Havamal talks about being vigilant and having discernment when entering new and unfamiliar situations. This also applies to entering familiar spaces as well. This is a skill men can learn a lot about from women, sad to say that they must be much more cautious about where they go and the people that may be inside or following them in public.

When you enter a new place, especially a social one, it's wise to survey your surroundings and take a good look at the environment and the people within. Ultimately, you're there to enjoy yourself, but you should also beware of the possible threats or situations that could cause you trouble.

When you are walking in public make use of reflective surfaces, large windows or cars, to see if anyone is following you. Listen to everything going on around you. Simply be aware, you do not need to be in a panic state, but never be oblivious.



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